BASH has a whole slew of ways of automatically setting your prompt to give you nice information. You set the prompt by setting the PS1
environment variable. For example, if I set PS1="$ "
my prompt will look like this:
Not too informative. All I can tell is that the command line is prompting me.
However, If I set PS1=\u@\h: \w$
, my prompt will now look like this:
That tells me how I'm logged in (the \u
), the machine I'm onto (\h
), and the directory I'm in (the \w
). If I use git
, it would be nice if the git branch I'm in is also part of my prompt.
This is exactly what is going on with your .profile
, your .bashrc
file, your .bash_login
or your .bash_profile
script. Or, what some system admin did in /etc/profile
There are a couple things you can do. Either:
- Download the missing
and make sure it's in your $PATH
environment variable (which is set by a combination of the various initialization files mentioned above)
- Change your
environment variable in whatever initialization file is being executed (I believe it is probably .bash_profile
Just add this as the last line:
PS1="\u@\h:\w\n$ "
The added \n
prints the dollar sign prompt on the line below like this:
I like to do that because the prompt can get rather long and editing the command line gets tricky when the prompt is longer than 30 to 50 characters. Otherwise, it's pretty much the standard prompt that most users use. You can see more about setting BASH prompts in the man pages. (Search for the word Prompting on that page).
If you find it a bit confusing, be glad you're not using Kornshell. I use Kornshell and to get the same prompt PS1=\u@\h:\w\n$
does, I set my prompt as:
export PS1='$(print -n "`logname`@`hostname`:";if [[ "${PWD#$HOME}" != "$PWD" ]] then; print -n "~${PWD#$HOME}"; else; print -n "$PWD";fi;print "\n$ ")'