Stargazer produces very nice latex tables for lm (and other) objects. Suppose I've fit a model by maximum likelihood. I'd like stargazer to produce a lm-like table for my estimates. How can I do this?
Although it's a bit hacky, one way might be to create a "fake" lm object containing my estimates -- I think this would work as long as summary(my.fake.lm.object) works. Is that easily doable?
An example:
N <- 200
df <- data.frame(x=runif(N, 0, 50))
df$y <- 10 + 2 * df$x + 4 * rt(N, 4) # True params
plot(df$x, df$y)
model1 <- lm(y ~ x, data=df)
stargazer(model1, title="A Model") # I'd like to produce a similar table for the model below
ll <- function(params) {
## Log likelihood for y ~ x + student's t errors
params <- as.list(params)
return(sum(dt((df$y - params$const - params$beta*df$x) / params$scale, df=params$degrees.freedom, log=TRUE) -
model2 <- optim(par=c(const=5, beta=1, scale=3, degrees.freedom=5), lower=c(-Inf, -Inf, 0.1, 0.1),
fn=ll, method="L-BFGS-B", control=list(fnscale=-1), hessian=TRUE)
model2.coefs <- data.frame(coefficient=names(model2$par), value=as.numeric(model2$par),
stargazer(model2.coefs, title="Another Model", summary=FALSE) # Works, but how can I mimic what stargazer does with lm objects?
To be more precise: with lm objects, stargazer nicely prints the dependent variable at the top of the table, includes SEs in parentheses below the corresponding estimates, and has the R^2 and number of observations at the bottom of the table. Is there a(n easy) way to obtain the same behavior with a "custom" model estimated by maximum likelihood, as above?
Here are my feeble attempts at dressing up my optim output as a lm object:
model2.lm <- list() # Mimic an lm object
class(model2.lm) <- c(class(model2.lm), "lm")
model2.lm$rank <- model1$rank # Problematic?
model2.lm$coefficients <- model2$par
names(model2.lm$coefficients)[1:2] <- names(model1$coefficients)
model2.lm$fitted.values <- model2$par["const"] + model2$par["beta"]*df$x
model2.lm$residuals <- df$y - model2.lm$fitted.values
model2.lm$model <- df
model2.lm$terms <- model1$terms # Problematic?
summary(model2.lm) # Not working
package. Due to laziness, I ended up overwriting the coefficients and standard errors of a different model, which gave me the desired output. In your case, you could e.g. overwrite the coefficients and standard errors ofmodel1
. While this is not a sophisticated solution, it should work. Needless to say, I am curious to see if any better solutions come up... – Cudlipstargazer:::.stargazer.wrap
. It looks like a container with a bunch of other functions in addition to the code that formats the tables. And it seems like it evaluates quite a few components forlm
) that would make it very hard to dress up youroptim()
results. – Erlintexreg
, it would be sufficient to create atexreg
object by using thecreateTexreg
function. You basically just hand over the coefficients, SEs etc. See?createTexreg
. Thetexreg
object can then be fed into thetexreg
, andplotreg
functions. Alternatively, section 6 of the JSS article describes how to write and register methods for new model types in case you want to recycle the same template later on. – Medicine