When you call .utc()
, all you're doing is setting a flag in the Moment object that says "this must format as UTC." You can see this change if you inspect the object's properties.
As another answer mentioned, the point in time remains the same. This ensures calculations etc. can be carried out without worrying about the time zone.
A JavaScript Date
also stores timezone information, and similarly will format the value it represents as local or UTC depending on what method you call.
Option 1
Use the formatting methods as they were intended, and make the last thing you do before sending the value to the server a format into a UTC string.
For Moment, that's simply calling .toISOString()
on any date local or otherwise, or the .format()
method after calling .utc()
if you want to specify a different format.
For JS dates, that's also a .toISOString()
If for some reason you don't have the ability to keep the dates in local time, or can't transform to a string for the data send, you have (at least) two further options:
Option 2
Use the JS Date
constructor to manually create a datetime in the local timezone, pulling the components from your UTC Moment object.
let utc = moment().utc();
let date = new Date(utc.year(), utc.month(), utc.date(), utc.hour(), utc.minute(), utc.second(), utc.millisecond());
Alternatively, get the current datetime and then set the hours and minutes as appropriate for the timezone change.
You'll end up with a date representation of the UTC time marked as local time. This is not the correct time, as you're now offset by the time zone, but it might solve a problem in a pinch.
Option 3
Similar to option 2, this is another way to create an offset Date
where UTC is marked as the local time zone.
Export the ISO string from either Moment or JS, strip off the Zulu flag at the end, and use the string constructor for Date
to pull it back in.
new Date(new Date().toISOString().slice(0,-1));
Again, this is not actually the correct time and calculations against other datetimes may be incorrect. Your best option is still to send up a UTC ISO string to the server when you can.
var now = moment.utc().toDate();
and store that :( – Timberedas is
– TimberedDate
– Timberednew Date(moment.utc().toDate())
– Secund