I am curious why a simple concatenation of two dataframes in pandas:
initId.shape # (66441, 1)
initId.isnull().sum() # 0
ypred.shape # (66441, 1)
ypred.isnull().sum() # 0
of the same shape and both without NaN values
foo = pd.concat([initId, ypred], join='outer', axis=1)
foo.shape # (83384, 2)
foo.isnull().sum() # 16943
can result in a lot of NaN values if joined.
How can I fix this problem and prevent NaN values being introduced? Trying to reproduce it like
aaa = pd.DataFrame([0,1,0,1,0,0], columns=['prediction'])
bbb = pd.DataFrame([0,0,1,0,1,1], columns=['groundTruth'])
pd.concat([aaa, bbb], axis=1)
failed e.g. worked just fine as no NaN values were introduced.