I'm trying to do something like a C #include "filename.c"
, or PHP include(dirname(__FILE__)."filename.php")
but in javascript. I know I can do this if I can get the URL a js file was loaded from (e.g. the URL given in the src attribute of the tag). Is there any way for the javascript to know that?
Alternatively, is there any good way to load javascript dynamically from the same domain (without knowing the domain specifically)? For example, lets say we have two identical servers (QA and production) but they clearly have different URL domains. Is there a way to do something like include("myLib.js");
where myLib.js will load from the domain of the file loading it?
Sorry if thats worded a little confusingly.
- your example above will still create a global var calledsrc
because it does not have avar
specifier before it – Bondie