I have a simple input field like this.
<div class="search">
<input type="text" value="y u no work"/>
And I'm trying to focus()
it inside a function.
So inside of a random function (doesn't matter what function it is) I have this line …
This works just fine on every Desktop whatsoever.
However it doesn't work on my iPhone. The field is not getting focused and the keyboard is not shown on my iPhone.
For testing purposes and to show you guys the problem I did a quick sample:
$('#some-test-element').click(function() {
$('.search').find('input').focus(); // works well on my iPhone - Keyboard slides in
setTimeout(function() {
//alert('test'); //works
$('.search').find('input').focus(); // doesn't work on my iPhone - works on Desktop
}, 5000);
Any idea why the focus()
wouldn't work with the timeout function on my iPhone.
To see the live example, test this fiddle on your iPhone. http://jsfiddle.net/Hc4sT/
I created the exact same case as I'm currently facing in my current project.
I have a select-box that should — when "changed" — set the focus to the input field and slide-in the kexboard on the iphone or other mobile devices. I found out that the focus() is set correctly but the keyboard doesn't show up. I need the keyboard to show up.
input:focus { background:green; }
via css on the input. However the keyboard doesn't slide-in for me. See this work case I'm currently working on. cl.ly/1d210x1W3Y3W Test this on your iPhone. Any chance to slide in the keyboard when choosing "Search" in the select-box? – Strigiltrigger()
a click or "tap" on another element to set the focus - but no chance. Again, the focus is set, but the keyboard is not sliding up. – Strigil