I like the answer from @maxschlepzig.
There is a bug in the approach that if you directly import a function it will not work.
For example,
global_imports("tqdm", "tqdm, True)
does not work, because the module is not imported. And this
global_imports("tqdm", "tqdm, True)
I change @maxschlepzig's answer a bit. Using fromlist so you can load function or module with "From" statement in a uniform way.
def global_imports(object_name: str,
short_name: str = None,
context_module_name: str = None):
"""import from local function as global import
Use this statement to import inside a function,
but effective as import at the top of the module.
object_name: the object name want to import,
could be module or function
short_name: the short name for the import
context_module_name: the context module name in the import
example usage:
import os -> global_imports("os")
import numpy as np -> global_imports("numpy", "np")
from collections import Counter ->
global_imports("Counter", None, "collections")
from google.cloud import storage ->
global_imports("storage", None, "google.cloud")
if not short_name:
short_name = object_name
if not context_module_name:
globals()[short_name] = __import__(object_name)
context_module = __import__(context_module_name,
globals()[short_name] = getattr(context_module, object_name)
. Unconditionally importing that module may fail on some systems because it isn't installed or if it is installed it loads all installed backends, including some that might need X or tkinter, which in turn might be missing, resulting in an abort due to a thrown exception. Thus, it makes sense to only import it if the user actually requests creating a plot. – Earleenearlene