I have been studying and reading about Scrum in the last few days and reading about Sprint Planning and tasks. One problem that popped into my mind is how to deal with bugs in Scrum. Henrik Kniberg lists some ways of dealing with this issue in his very nice book Scrum and XP from the Trenches :
- Product owner prints out the most high priority Jira items, brings them to the sprint planning meeting, and puts them up on the wall together with the other stories (thereby implicitly specifying the priority of these items compared to the other stories).
- Product owner creates stories that refer to Jira items. For example “Fix the most critical back office reporting bugs, Jira-124, Jira- 126, and Jira-180”.
- Bug-fixing is considered to be outside of the sprint, i.e. the team keeps a low enough focus factor (for example 50%) to ensure that they have time to fix bugs. It is then simply assumed that the team will spend a certain amount of time each sprint fixing Jira- reported bugs
- Put the product backlog in Jira (i.e. ditch Excel). Treat bugs just like any other story.
Is this really something that needs to be decided per-project basis or are there better solutions? I can think of problems with each of those approaches. Is there a hybrid coming from those approaches that works best? How do you handle this in your projects?