iOS debug rendering with Core Animation Instruments
[iOS CALayer]
Good practice is to have:
- 60 FPS(frames per second)
Real device -> Profile -> Core Animation FPS
- test release package because of some compile optimizations
Core Animation Instruments
- <real_device>
- Schema -> Run -> Options -> <check_in> View Debugging
- Run
- Xcode -> Debug -> View Debugging -> Rendering
- <debug_any_app>
1. Color Blended Layers
, color mixing) [Green, Red]
The same pixel is drawn more than once in a single frame of rendering
If Red - color blending is applied. It is not simple task to calculate a correct result pixel color when there are pixels with alpha channel under it.
[iOS alpha vs opacity vs opaque]
Use case 1. UIView.layer.cornerRadius
the color blending is applied by default.
Applying cornerRadius to the layer’s background, and not applied to layer.contents(use masksToBounds to solve it)
let view = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 50, y: 50, width: 100, height: 50))
view.backgroundColor = .blue
apply cornerRadius as a result - color blending
view.layer.cornerRadius = 15
view.layer.masksToBounds = true
To fix this issue you can:
- use
[About], but Color Off-screen Rendered
will be applied
let mask = CAShapeLayer()
let path = UIBezierPath(
roundedRect: view.bounds,
byRoundingCorners: [.topLeft, .topRight, .bottomLeft, .bottomRight],
cornerRadii: CGSize(width: 15, height: 15)
mask.path = path.cgPath
view.layer.mask = mask
- round UIImage, instead of UIImageVeiw
Use case 2. UILableView
- backgroundColor is transparent
Use case 3. UIImage
with alpha channel (which can be used in UIImageView
To preven color blending:
- flat view hierarchy
- reduce tranceparency
2. Color Copied Images
[Blue, default]
If Blue - image is copied from GPU to CPU, because GPU does not support this color format. For example you can create a large imageview and set .pdf
imageView.image = UIImage(named: "ring")
3. Color Misaligned Images
[Yellow, default]
Image size doesn't equal to imageView size. Since it requires extra work to compress the image
4. Color Off-screen Rendered
[Yellow, default]
Rendered with an offscreen buffer - generating bitmap on CPU(Off-screen) before putting it to GPU for on-screen rendering[About]
If Yellow - layer was rendered offscreen. For example by default it is applied for CALayer.mask
, shadow **without** path
, CALayer.cornerRadius
, CALayers.shouldRasterize = true
, drawRect()
something custom with CGContext,
5. Color Hits Green and Misses Red
[Green, Red, default]
Shows that shouldRasterize = true
has a negative impact. Green - cached successfully, Red - cache is regenerated. Only frequent regeneration has performance impact.
[iOS shouldRasterize]
6. Color Layer Formats
(Color Non-Standard Surface Formats)
not documented
7. Color Immediately
By default Core Animation Instruments
updates debug coloured layed every 10 ms. This setting set it to update every frame which has some impact on performance and accuracy.
8, Color Compositing Fast-Path Blue
(Color OpenGL Fast Path Blue) [Blue, Red, default]
Highlight(blue) layer which is drawn directly to screen with OpenGL which is the best practice. If you work with OpenGL and dont see blue it means that you make extra work
9. Flash Updated Regions
[Yellow, default]
Yellow is a region which is updated(redrawn). The simplest scenario it's finding unnecessary effects