Recently, I came across one of my application which consumes too much memory and increasing by 10 MB/sec.
So, I like to know how to destroy JavaScript object and variables so memory consumption stays down and my FF can't get destroyed.
I am calling two of my scripts every 8 seconds without reloading the page.
function refresh() {
if (refreshTimer) {
refreshTimer = null ;
$('<div id="preload_xml"></div>').html('<img src="pic/dataload.gif" alt="loading data" /><h3>Loading Data...</h3>').prependTo($("#td_123"));
How can I see which variable cause Memory overhead, what's the method to stop the execution of that process?
obj = null
? – Zeebruggeshow_topology
do? --- B) Are you ever clearing out the things you add to#td_123
? --- C) Is there a live version of this somewhere? – Ephemeral