This is possible to achieve inside a helper file with the @functions
syntax but if you want the razor-style readability you are referring to you will also need to call a regular helper to do the HTML fit and finish.
Note that functions in a Helper file are static so you would still need to pass in the HtmlHelper instance from the page if you were intending to use its methods.
@MyHelper.DoSomething(Html, m=>m.Property1)
@MyHelper.DoSomething(Html, m=>m.Property2)
@MyHelper.DoSomething(Html, m=>m.Property3)
@using System.Web.Mvc;
@using System.Web.Mvc.Html;
@using System.Linq.Expressions;
public static HelperResult DoSomething<TModel, TItem>(HtmlHelper<TModel> html, Expression<Func<TModel, TItem>> expr)
return TheThingToDo(html.LabelFor(expr), html.EditorFor(expr), html.ValidationMessageFor(expr));
@helper TheThingToDo(MvcHtmlString label, MvcHtmlString textbox, MvcHtmlString validationMessage)
<br />
, unless implementation details prohibit it; reason being, is one could use generic extension helpers:@helper Foo<T>(this T o) where T : IBar { }
– Oakes