See below my original post to this question.
Since then, I have implemented my own .left_joins()
for ActiveRecord v4.0.x (sorry, my app is frozen at this version so I've had no need to port it to other versions):
In file app/models/concerns/active_record_extensions.rb
, put the following:
module ActiveRecordBaseExtensions
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
def left_joins(*args)
module ClassMethods
def left_joins(*args)
module ActiveRecordRelationExtensions
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
# a #left_joins implementation for Rails 4.0 (WARNING: this uses Rails 4.0 internals
# and so probably only works for Rails 4.0; it'll probably need to be modified if
# upgrading to a new Rails version, and will be obsolete in Rails 5 since it has its
# own #left_joins implementation)
def left_joins(*args)
ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, ActiveRecordBaseExtensions)
ActiveRecord::Relation.send(:include, ActiveRecordRelationExtensions)
Now I can use .left_joins()
everywhere I'd normally use .joins()
----------------- ORIGINAL POST BELOW -----------------
If you want OUTER JOINs without all the extra eagerly loaded ActiveRecord objects, use .pluck(:id)
after .eager_load()
to abort the eager load while preserving the OUTER JOIN. Using .pluck(:id)
thwarts eager loading because the column name aliases (items.location AS t1_r9
, for example) disappear from the generated query when used (these independently named fields are used to instantiate all the eagerly loaded ActiveRecord objects).
A disadvantage of this approach is that you then need to run a second query to pull in the desired ActiveRecord objects identified in the first query:
# first query
idents = Course
.eager_load(:students) # eager load for OUTER JOIN
student_enrollments: {student_id:, id: nil},
active: true
.pluck(:id) # abort eager loading but preserve OUTER JOIN
# second query
Course.where(id: idents)
se.student_id = <SOME_STUDENT_ID_VALUE>
would be impossible? – Sync