The following works in modern Windows (NT-based) systems that feature cmd.exe
rem /* This clears `ErrorLevel`; the SPACE can actually be replaced by an
rem arbitrary sequence of SPACE, TAB, `,`, `;`, `=`, NBSP, VTAB, FF: */
(call )
The SPACE (or more precisely, an arbitrary sequence of one or more standard token separators, which are SPACE (code 0x20
), TAB (code 0x09
), ,
, ;
, =
, NBSP (code 0xFF
), VTAB (code 0x0B
) and FF (code 0x0C
)) is mandatory; if you omit it the ErrorLevel
becomes set instead:
rem // This sets `ErrorLevel` to `1`:
There is a nice thread on where this technique came up.
Here is an alternative method, but which accesses the file system and might therefore be a bit slower:
dir > nul
rem /* Perhaps this is a little faster as a specific file is given rather
rem than just the current directory (`.` implicitly) like above: */
dir /B "%ComSpec%" > nul