I just had to do something similar and this is what I came up with. @Michael Witrant's answer got me started, but I changed some things like using Process.spawn instead of fork (newer and better).
# start spawns a process and returns the pid of the process
def start(exe)
puts "Starting #{exe}"
pid = spawn(exe)
# need to detach to avoid daemon processes: http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-2.1.3/Process.html#method-c-detach
return pid
# This will kill off all the programs we started
def killall(pids)
pids.each do |pid|
puts "Killing #{pid}"
# kill it (other signals than TERM may be used, depending on the program you want
# to kill. The signal KILL will always work but the process won't be allowed
# to cleanup anything)
Process.kill "TERM", pid
# you have to wait for its termination, otherwise it will become a zombie process
# (or you can use Process.detach)
Process.wait pid
rescue => ex
puts "ERROR: Couldn't kill #{pid}. #{ex.class}=#{ex.message}"
# Now we can start processes and keep the pids for killing them later
pids = []
pids << start('./someprogram')
# Do whatever you want here, run your tests, etc.
# When you're done, be sure to kill of the processes you spawned
That's about all she wrote, give it a try and let me know how it works.