Thank you for your answer. It was of great help to me.
However, as the number of iterations of this code increased due to increase in my data size, I realized that this piece of code is slowing down my application. For instance, 10,000 iterations of this code take about 20 seconds.
I was using below code based on your answer:
Function CleanString(ByVal InputString As String, Optional SplWords = "USP|BP|EP|IP|JP", _
Optional Delim As String = "|") As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim ArrIsEmpty As Boolean
Dim ArrSplWords() As String
Dim Wrd As Variant
Dim RE As Object
CleanString = InputString
ArrSplWords = Split(SplWords, Delim)
Set RE = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
RE.Global = True
RE.ignorecase = True
For Each Wrd In ArrSplWords
RE.Pattern = "\b" & Wrd & "\b"
If RE.test(CleanString) Then
CleanString = RE.Replace(CleanString, "")
End If
Next Wrd
CleanString = Application.WorksheetFunction.Trim(CleanString)
End Function
To tackle the issue of slowness, I decided to ditch the RegExp approach and came up with below code. Based on my evaluation, the below function is about 25 times faster (I timed it using timer function over 1000 iterations of each code).
Function CleanString(ByVal InputString As String, Optional SplWords As String = "USP|BP|EP|IP|JP", _
Optional Delim As String = "|", Optional WordSeparator As String = " ", _
Optional SplChar As String = "~|`|!|@|#|$|%|^|&|*|-|+|=|'|<|>|,|.|/|\|?|:|;") As String
Dim TestStr As String
Dim ArrSplChar() As String
Dim Char As Variant
Dim TestWords() As String
Dim Wrd As Variant
Dim Counter As Integer
TestStr = InputString
ArrSplChar = Split(SplChar, Delim, -1, vbTextCompare)
For Each Char In ArrSplChar
TestStr = Replace(TestStr, Char, WordSeparator & Char & WordSeparator, 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
Next Char
TestWords = Split(TestStr, WordSeparator, -1, vbTextCompare)
For Each Wrd In TestWords
Counter = IIf(Wrd = "", Counter + 1, Counter)
If InStr(1, LCase(SplWords), LCase(Wrd), vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
CleanString = CleanString & " " & Wrd
Counter = Counter + 1
End If
Next Wrd
CleanString = IIf(Counter - 1 = UBound(TestWords) - LBound(TestWords), _
Application.WorksheetFunction.Trim(InputString), _
End Function
This function looks a little messier than the regExp based function, but it is faster than the regExp based function.
Both the above functions generate the same output and can be called as follows:
Sub TestSub()
Debug.Print CleanString("Paracetamol USP")
End Sub
This will print "Paracetamol" in the immediate window.