I am using MySQL 5.5.29, utf8mb4 charset, there is a table user containing a field nickname
with value hex F09F988EF09F988E
that translates to the emojis ππ.
Now open MySQL console, and execute:
set names utf8mb4;
select nickname, hex(nickname) from user;
nickname | hex(nickname)
ππ | F09F988EF09F988E
And then execute:
mysqldump --default-character-set=utf8 -utest -ptest test_dev user > user.sql
Check the user.sql
and find the nickname display ??
which hex string is 3f
So, how can mysqldump with UTF8 export the right emojis string?
btw, the database charset envionments configured as follow: show variables like 'character_set_%':
'character_set_client', 'utf8mb4'
'character_set_connection', 'utf8mb4'
'character_set_database', 'utf8mb4'
'character_set_filesystem', 'binary'
'character_set_results', 'utf8mb4'
'character_set_server', 'utf8mb4'
'character_set_system', 'utf8'
'character_sets_dir', '/data/mysql/share/charsets/'