I've implemented django signals for a model. It's only working fine while debug is True. Any idea how to fix this issue, so that post_save signal works when debug is False in production.
Here is my code in models.py
@receiver(post_save, sender=PackageSubscription)
def update_balance(sender, instance, **kwargs):
current_balance = Balance.objects.get(user=instance.user)
last_balance = current_balance.last_balance
get_package = Package.objects.filter(title=instance.package)
for i in get_package:
get_coin = i.coin
update_current_balance = last_balance + get_coin
if instance.payment_status is True:
Balance.objects.filter(user=instance.user).update(last_balance=update_current_balance, updated_at=timezone.now())
FYI - I'm using django 3.2.4