how to destroy bootstrap modal window completely?
Asked Answered



I've made use of modal window for a wizard implementation which has around 4,5 steps. I need to destroy it completely after the last step(onFinish) and OnCancel step without having a page refresh. I can of course hide it, but hiding modal windows restores everything as such when i open up it again. Could anyone help me on this issue?

Thanks Any hints answers are helpful for me.

Bairam answered 1/11, 2012 at 12:48 Comment(9)
Are you using jQuery or something similar? Might be able to do $(modal_selector).remove().Pilgrimage
thanks it works but it when we rev=invoke doesnt get invoked by how to reinvoke it?Bairam
Yeah remove will really delete the modal, so it isn't openable again. Twitter Bootstrap's modal windows aren't really anything magical, so when you reopen a modal dialog you have to reset all the form elements manually (that's been my experience).Pilgrimage
It depends on what you're displaying in the modal. Twitter Bootstrap only handles the displaying of the modal, whatever is in it is your responsibility.Pilgrimage
Sir I am asking that how invoke, close and reinvoke ModalBairam
I do this by having a web service in the background feed me the HTML on demand using jquery/json, then you could simply remove the HTML once you are done with it. This would allow you to do it without refreshing the page.Sandy
There are a few different approaches here. I would like to point out two things that are important for Bootstrap V3. Firstly, if you are using $(this).data('modal',null), you need to replace 'modal' with 'bs.modal'. Secondly, I could not get it to trigger with the hidden event, but it worked fine with the hide event.Zacynthus
Why is anything Javascript with Bootstrap such a royal pain.Salivation
Use jquery's .clone(), load() and replaceWith() to save and restore the dialog html dataPhotolithography

if is bootstrap 3 you can use:

$("#mimodal").on('', function () {
    $(this).data('bs.modal', null);
Henriettehenriha answered 11/8, 2013 at 7:20 Comment(15)
This was exactly the piece of magic I needed without digging into the bootstrap core code. Thank you!Aftertime
As every other answers, this does not seems to remove the backdrop.Acetal
@Acetal The approach is right but it will not work with transition effects on the modal. You'll need to remove .fade class from modal to get it work.Saying
@drillingman: +1 that worked for me: $("#mimodal").removeClass('fade').modal('hide')Whinny
The only thing in BS3 that worked for me was: $(this).html("");Hemipode
did nothing, the dialog was there in the DOM as it is, only hidden. I'm using bootstrap 3.2.0Sue
Doesn't remove event handlers etc, so specifically fails to answer the question for BS 3 at least. Removing the HTML doesn't cut it either - that's not the modal and may well contain HTML you need.Neoplasty
if I'm not using JQuery, how do I do this?Monarda
@UrielArvizu Bootstrap JS requires JQuery so if you're using this modal you have JQuery availableElectrolysis
@Electrolysis AngularJS, as far as I know, uses a super lightweight version of JQuery if no reference for it is included into the project, honestly I'm not a big fan of JQuery so for AngularJS to acknowledge people like me is great, they only include a small percent of JQuery functions, the rest is pure JS.Monarda
Be careful, if you delete only data, events remain associated with the old modal, I advise you to delete it entirely and recreate from the HTML.Kenner
How exactly do you delete it entirely? @KennerNantucket
The only thing that worked for me was using $(this).remove(); instead of $(this).data('bs.modal', null); and then adding after the function $('#myModal').modal('hide'); my fiddle
This worked for me $(this).find(".modal-body").html(""); Because I want to use modal again but with another content and $(this).html("") destroyed everything and new modal didn't shown!Ingenious
doesn't work for me. the only thing remotely working is Vatsal's answer here:

NOTE: This solution works only for Bootstrap before version 3. For a Bootstrap 3 answer, refer to this one by user2612497.

What you want to do is:

$('#modalElement').on('hidden', function(){
    $(this).data('modal', null);

that will cause the modal to initialize itself every time it is shown. So if you are using remote content to load into the div or whatever, it will re-do it everytime it is opened. You are merely destroying the modal instance after each time it is hidden.

Or whenever you want to trigger the destroying of the element (in case it is not actually every time you hide it) you just have to call the middle line:

$('#modalElement').data('modal', null);

Twitter bootstrap looks for its instance to be located in the data attribute, if an instance exists it just toggles it, if an instance doesn't exist it will create a new one.

Hope that helps.

Adaxial answered 16/11, 2012 at 20:19 Comment(2)
This actually does work however in a slightly different manner $("#modalElement").removeData("modal"); I am using Bootstrap 2.3.1 and jQuery 1.9.1Bind
If you use Bootstrap 3, you must listen to the instead of the hidden event.

For 3.x version

$( '.modal' ).modal( 'hide' ).data( 'bs.modal', null );

For 2.x version (risky; read comments below) When you create bootstrap modal three elements on your page being changed. So if you want to completely rollback all changes, you have to do it manually for each of it.

$( '.modal' ).remove();
$( '.modal-backdrop' ).remove();
$( 'body' ).removeClass( "modal-open" );
Duran answered 27/10, 2013 at 11:28 Comment(3)
Using manual steps is a risky approach, as the Bootstrap code might get changed and you might miss some aspects, then. For examply, at least in Bootstrap 3.2 style="padding-right: 17px;" will be set on the body as well to account for the hiding scrollbar. Bottom line: use Bootstraps API which in v3 would be $('.modal').modal('hide').data('bs.modal', null);.Arciniega
Yep, you're right. This was written for 2.x version. Updated.Duran
if your dynamically injecting data to modal and you remove all of the second part of your answer it will strip much more than needed. Beyond the point of reusing modal. If it helps I suggest using your specific class.remove();Arterio

You can completely destroy a modal without page reloading by this way.

$( 'body' ).removeClass("modal-open");

but it will completely remove modal from your html page. After this modal hide show will not work.

Disobedience answered 19/12, 2012 at 7:50 Comment(3)
.remove() removes it completely . And .show() doesnt work any more . What do I do initialize it again ?Vallation
Since creating bootstrap modal make changes to body suggested solution will not roll back all changes.Duran
This won't work, because the backdrop will be stuck, why did it even get upvoted?Brogue

I have tried accepted answer but it isn't seems working on my end and I don't know how the accepted answer suppose to work.

$('#modalId').on('', function () {

This is working perfectly fine on my side. BS Version > 3

Kristoforo answered 15/5, 2018 at 7:41 Comment(2)
This leaves a gray backdrop as well leaving the web page unusable!!Gabon
Works perfectly on BS4, and the backdrop gets automatically removed as well as it picks up to the modal remove event.Consideration

The power of jQuery. $(selector).modal('hide').destroy(); will first remove sinds you might have the sliding affect and then removes the element completely, however if you want the user to be able to open the modal again after you finished the steps. you might just wanna update only the settings you wanna have reseted so for reseting all the inputs in your modal this would look like the following:

$(selector).find('input, textarea').each(function(){
Inapprehensible answered 12/11, 2012 at 0:35 Comment(1)
I'm not sure how this is an answer? question clearly is asking for removing bootstrap modal which neither text nor the example answers that!Fannie

Also works on bootstrap 4.x

$('#modal_ID').modal( 'hide' ).data( 'bs.modal', null );
Synge answered 10/8, 2018 at 13:50 Comment(2)
This disposes the modal but leaves a gray backdrop which makes the web page unusableGabon
In which bootstrap version did you try it?Synge

bootstrap 3 + jquery 2.0.3:

$('#myModal').on('', function () {
Reincarnate answered 25/9, 2013 at 3:7 Comment(1)
Since creating bootstrap modal make changes to body suggested solution will not roll back all changes.Duran

If you have an iframe in your modal, you can remove its content by the following code:

$('#myModal').on('', function(){
   $(this).find('iframe').attr("src", "");
Cambrel answered 9/9, 2014 at 8:17 Comment(0)

My approach would be to use the clone() method of jQuery. It creates a copy of your element, and that's what you want : a copy of your first unaltered modal, that you can replace at your wish : Demo (jsfiddle)

var myBackup = $('#myModal').clone();

// Delegated events because we make a copy, and the copied button does not exist onDomReady
$('body').on('click','#myReset',function() {
    var myClone = myBackup.clone();

The markup I used is the most basic, so you just need to bind on the right elements / events, and you should have your wizard reset.

Be careful to bind with delegated events, or rebind at each reset the inner elements of your modal so that each new modal behave the same way.

Dowery answered 5/11, 2012 at 21:37 Comment(0)

From what i understand, you don't wanna remove it, nor hide it ? Because you might wanna reuse it later ..but don't want it to have the old content if ever you open it up again ?

<div class="modal hide fade">
    <div class="modal-header">
        <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">&times</button>
        <h3>Modal header</h3>
    <div class="modal-body">
        <p>One fine body…</p>
    <div class="modal-footer">
        <a href="#" class="btn">Close</a>
        <a href="#" class="btn btn-primary">Save changes</a>

If you wanna use it as a dynamic template just do something like

$(selector).modal({show: true})


$(selector).modal({show: false})


$(".modal-body").append("new stuff & text")
$(selector).modal({show: true})
Roy answered 9/11, 2012 at 22:47 Comment(0)
$('#myModal').on('', function () {
      $(this).data('bs.modal', null).remove();

//Just add .remove(); 
//Bootstrap v3.0.3
Brasher answered 16/6, 2017 at 12:31 Comment(2)
While this code may, in fact, be a solution to the problem, it is generally a good idea to include an explanation of what it does when you answer a question.Organdy
Ok. I was in a hurry... anyway add ".remove();" for remove all reference and html code of your bootstrap modal.Brasher

This is my solution:


Vane answered 18/7, 2017 at 15:58 Comment(0)

This completely removes the modal from the DOM , is working for the "appended" modals as well .

#pickoptionmodal is the id of my modal window.




Forbes answered 22/10, 2017 at 19:14 Comment(2)
After this, can the modal re-initialized?Harhay
@Harhay as it writes in the description is deleting the modal from the DOM , you can re-add it ... is not closing modal , is deleting him , the thread is about destroy modal window completely.Forbes

I had a same scenario where I would open a new modal on a button click. Once done, I want to completely remove it from my page... I use remove to delete the modal.. On button click I would check if modal exists , and if true I would destroy it and create a new modal ..

$("#wizard").click(function() {
    /* find if wizard is already open */
    if($('.wizard-modal').length) {
Jackelynjackeroo answered 30/8, 2016 at 21:10 Comment(0)

this worked for me on BS4:

let $modal = $(this);
$modal.modal('hide').on("", function (){

we remove the modal after it is completely hidden. from BS doc: This event is fired when the modal has finished being hidden from the user (will wait for CSS transitions to complete).

Nagari answered 13/10, 2021 at 10:55 Comment(0)

If modal shadow remains darker and not going for showing more than one modal then this will be helpful

Alexalexa answered 12/2, 2013 at 15:27 Comment(1)
Live is outdated, to be replaced with on and the [0] on the element you're targeting isn't necessary if you're using jQuery. Also, if you remove the backdrop entirely, note you may have to add it back...Try: $(document).on('', '.modal', function(e) { if ($('.modal-backdrop').length) { $('.modal-backdrop').remove(); } });Calliope

I had to use same modal for different link clicks. I just replaced the html content with empty "" of the modal in hidden callback.

Kreiker answered 31/10, 2013 at 5:26 Comment(0)

only this worked for me

$('body').on('', '.modal', function() {

It is safe forcing selectors to make them blank since bootstrap and jquery version may be the reason of this problem

Thanatopsis answered 14/5, 2015 at 21:29 Comment(1)
This leaves a gray backdrop as well leaving the web page unusable!!Gabon

This worked for me.


The dialog and backdrop went away, but they came back the next time I clicked the button.

Wacker answered 1/9, 2015 at 18:21 Comment(0)

It works for Bootstrap v3.3.6

.on('', function () {
    // Some Code
}).on('', function () {
    // Some Code
}).on('', function () {
Precontract answered 15/1, 2017 at 16:13 Comment(0)

Single line complete removal on hide ( ES6 )

$("#myModal").on('', (e)=>e.currentTarget.remove());

Remarque answered 21/2, 2018 at 21:35 Comment(0)

With ui-router this may be an option for you. It reloads the controller on close so reinitializes the modal contents before it fires next time.

$("#myModalId").on('', function () {
  $state.reload();  //resets the modal
Immeasurable answered 6/3, 2018 at 3:27 Comment(0)

I have to destroy the modal right after it is closed through a button click, and so I came up with the following.

$("#closeModal").click(function() {
    $("#modal").modal('hide').on('', function () {

Note that this works with Bootstrap 3.

Ilysa answered 19/7, 2018 at 3:22 Comment(1)
This leaves a gray backdrop as well leaving the web page unusable!!Gabon

This is my solution:

$('#myModal').on('', function (e) {
Garlan answered 25/4, 2023 at 16:7 Comment(0)

In Bootstrap 5, this works like a charm for me

const modal = document.querySelector('#myModal');

const modalElement = new bootstrap.Modal(modal);;

modalElement._element.addEventListener('', function(e){

// hide the modal, which will then trigger the event above and destroy it
Etam answered 22/2, 2024 at 18:2 Comment(0)

I don't know how this may sound but this work for me...........

Shinleaf answered 19/10, 2016 at 16:34 Comment(1)
Downvoted because it just hides the modal what clearly wasn't asked.Nantucket

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