I am at nearly the same stage that you are. Starting a new project with MongoDB. I am around 7 weeks of experience. This is what I have found very useful:
Use Mongoid instead of Mongomapper
The documentation is excellent. Seriously, excellent. It should take you about 15 min reading all the documentation and you will have a very exact idea of what you can do and cannot do with Mongoid.
Tomorrow, the release candidate for a new major version of mongoid will be released. It is going to brings a lot of useful things.
I am using Rails 3. To install the development version add this to your gem file:
gem 'mongoid', "~>2.0.0.beta"
Current beta is 20, but as I said, tomorrow there is the release candidate.
Also I sugest you to join the google group as well. It has low traffic and people are very willing to answer any question. For example I showed them my first DB Model design and they gave me many ways to improve that. The creator of Mongoid answer your questions too.
In two words: Great community.
There is this plugin that enables you to use Machinist with mongo:
Works pretty well.
gem 'machinist_mongo', :require => 'machinist/mongoid',
:git => 'http://github.com/nmerouze/machinist_mongo.git',
:branch => 'machinist2'
You can use Forgery with Machinist. Awesome mix.
Another thing I want to say. I come from a relation database world, so this sounded really weird to at the beginning: You can save files in a mongo database.
In fact, it could be faster than managing them as we used to do. This is because of mongo's support for sharding. Sharding means that you can use a cluster of computers to serve the Mongo Database. It is seamless. Master-slave. So you can serve a file from many computers, each sending a portion. It scales very well :)
This is done using GridFS. http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/GridFS
Mongoid supports that master-slave config.
Ask me if you need more information.
Also: http://railscasts.com/episodes/238-mongoid