WinXP + mysisGit1.7
In my .gitignore file, but still can't see Demos/path/to/file/file.cpp
being tracked by git.
I have below entries:
The absolute path is: c:\Project\Demos\path\to\file\file.cpp
What could be wrong? Please help, thanks.
I found the way how mysisGit .gitignore work on WindowsXP can only ignore certain type of file, then exclude some files with same type. For example:
It doesn't work ignore folder and exclude some files under that folder. Below won't work:
However, I do find that there's an exception. There's a work-around way to exclude files just right under the ignored folder (not to its subfolder). This works.
But this way is only limited when the file is not in any subfolder, so it's not so useful.
So I end up still commit most of source files, even I was only interested in a few files while tracking some others big project. Which means there're a bunch of files I won't touch but still need to commit them.
Here is another thread that had similar problem.
git add Demos/path/to/file/file.cpp
to start tracking it? – Belted