I have created a function to change encoding files written in asp.net.
I searched a lot. And I also used some ideas and codes from this page. Thank you.
And here is the function.
Function ChangeFileEncoding(pPathFolder As String, pExtension As String, pDirOption As IO.SearchOption) As Integer
Dim Counter As Integer
Dim s As String
Dim reader As IO.StreamReader
Dim gEnc As Text.Encoding
Dim direc As IO.DirectoryInfo = New IO.DirectoryInfo(pPathFolder)
For Each fi As IO.FileInfo In direc.GetFiles(pExtension, pDirOption)
s = ""
reader = New IO.StreamReader(fi.FullName, Text.Encoding.Default, True)
s = reader.ReadToEnd
gEnc = reader.CurrentEncoding
If (gEnc.EncodingName <> Text.Encoding.UTF8.EncodingName) Then
s = IO.File.ReadAllText(fi.FullName, gEnc)
IO.File.WriteAllText(fi.FullName, s, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)
Counter += 1
Response.Write("<br>Saved #" & Counter & ": " & fi.FullName & " - <i>Encoding was: " & gEnc.EncodingName & "</i>")
End If
Return Counter
End Function
It can placed in .aspx file and then called like:
ChangeFileEncoding("C:\temp\test", "*.ascx", IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
is UTF-16. – Socalled