Try structuring this way your service:
export class MyService {
customerUpdate$: Observable<any>;
private customerUpdateSubject = new Subject<any>();
constructor() {
this.customerUpdate$ = this.customerUpdateSubject.asObservable();
updatedCustomer(dataAsParams) {;
Remember to add MyService
to providers.
Where you update your client (if this is the case), you do something like this:
Component (The one that triggers):
constructor(private myService: MyService) {
// I'll put this here, it could go anywhere in the component actually
// We make things happen, Client has been updated
// We store client's data in an object
this.updatedClient = this.myObjectWithUpdatedClientData; // Obj or whatever you want to pass as a parameter
Component (The one that is Subscribed):
this.myService.customerUpdate$.subscribe((updatedClientData) => {
// Wow! I received the updated client's data
// Do stuff with this data!
From what I understood, you are trying to pass data from 1 component to another. You get your Client's data and send it over your App to another component, right? That's why I posted this solution.
If you are interested in other types of subscriptions, read this:
Angular 2 special Observables (Subject / Behaviour subject / ReplaySubject)
new BehaviorSubject<Object>({});
instead? – Veteran