I'm trying to get a text inside an inputField in Unity3D
with C#
I've placed an inputField in my editor, renamed and tagged in: Username_field.
My question is: How i can get the text inside the InputField
Username_field in a C#
I'm trying to get a text inside an inputField in Unity3D
with C#
I've placed an inputField in my editor, renamed and tagged in: Username_field.
My question is: How i can get the text inside the InputField
Username_field in a C#
Attach below monobehaviour script to your InputField gameObject:
public class test : MonoBehaviour {
void Start ()
var input = gameObject.GetComponent<InputField>();
var se= new InputField.SubmitEvent();
input.onEndEdit = se;
//or simply use the line below,
//input.onEndEdit.AddListener(SubmitName); // This also works
private void SubmitName(string arg0)
See also below animation:
You can use the "On Value Change" or "End Edit" event of the InputField.
The Unity3D documentation provides more detail on how to use a UnityEvent: http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/UnityEvents.html
Alternatively, you should also be able to access the Text using the Text property of the Text control that your InputField is attached to.
String myText = myInputField.GetComponent<InputField>().text;
) instead of the text component of the child text, otherwise an e.g. password field will only return asterisks (*). There's a warning about it here. –
Integer using UnityEngine.UI;
public InputField betInput;
void Start () {
betInput.onEndEdit.AddListener(delegate { inputBetValue(betInput); });
public void inputBetValue(InputField userInput)
betValue = int.Parse(userInput.text);
https://i.stack.imgur.com/CeF1a.png //This is unity Picture where you select method. Also worth checking out https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/topics/scripting/text-input
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