There is no way to prevent session hijaking 100%, but with some approach can we reduce the time for an attacker to hijaking the session.
Method to prevent session hijaking:
1 - always use session with ssl certificate;
2 - send session cookie only with httponly set to true(prevent javascript to access session cookie)
2 - use session regenerate id at login and logout(note: do not use session regenerate at each request because if you have consecutive ajax request then you have a chance to create multiple session.)
3 - set a session timeout
4 - store browser user agent in a $_SESSION variable an compare with $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] at each request
5 - set a token cookie ,and set expiration time of that cookie to 0(until the browser is closed).
Regenerate the cookie value for each request.(For ajax request do not regenerate token cookie).
//set a token cookie if one not exist
//generate a random string for cookie value
$cookie_token = bin2hex(mcrypt_create_iv('16' , MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM));
//set a session variable with that random string
$_SESSION['user_token'] = $cookie_token;
//set cookie with rand value
setcookie('user_token', $cookie_token , 0 , '/' , '' , true , true);
//set a sesison variable with request of
$_SESSION['request'] = -1;
//increment $_SESSION['request'] with 1 for each request at
//verify if $_SESSION['user_token'] it's equal with $_COOKIE['user_token'] only for $_SESSION['request'] > 0
if($_SESSION['request'] > 0){
// if it's equal then regenerete value of token cookie if not then destroy_session
if($_SESSION['user_token'] === $_COOKIE['user_token']){
$cookie_token = bin2hex(mcrypt_create_iv('16' , MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM));
$_SESSION['user_token'] = $cookie_token;
setcookie('user_token', $cookie_token , 0 , '/' , '' , true , true);
//code for session_destroy
//prevent session hijaking with browser user agent
$_SESSION['user_agent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
if($_SESSION['user_agent'] != $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']){
die('session hijaking - user agent');
note: do not regenerate token cookie with ajax request
note: the code above is an example.
note: if users logout then the cookie token must be destroyed as well as the session
6 - it's not a good aproach to use user ip for preventing session hijaking because some users ip change with each request. THAT AFFECT VALID USERS
7 - personally I store session data in database , it's up to you what method you adopt
If you find mistake in my approach please correct me. If you have more ways to prevent session hyjaking please tell me.