Currently I am making a clone of the game Flappy Bird for practice. I am representing the bird as a RigidBody2D
extends RigidBody2D
func _ready():
func _input(event):
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("input_action_flap"):
func _physics_process(delta):
self.rotation_degrees = -45
func bird_flap():
var des_linear_velocity_x : float = get_linear_velocity().x
var des_linear_velocity_y : float = -750
var des_angular_velocity : float = -3
set_linear_velocity(Vector2(des_linear_velocity_x, des_linear_velocity_y))
I am playing around with ways to limit the possible rotation of the Node. However, I am running into some issues.
The values of the rotation seem to be flickering wildly due to Godot's built-in physics engine. And when I try to use the method clamp(...)
- I subsequently experience wild flickering of my character sprite's rotation.
self.rotation = clamp(self.rotation, deg2rad(-45), deg2rad(+45))
Does anyone know how to fix this?
is called? I am weary of using it without a proper understanding of when exactly the method is run... – Parallelogram