Once you figure out that the initial match for the radio button wants to match only a string and wants to set the value to a string, it is simply a matter of converting your initial value to string. I had to fight this with Int values.
After you have setup your observables, convert the value to string and KO will do its magic from there. If you are mapping with individual lines, do the conversion in those lines.
In the example code, I'm using Json to map the whole Model in a single command.
Then letting Razor insert the value between the quotes for the conversion.
script type="text/javascript">
KoSetup.ViewModel = ko.mapping.fromJS(@Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model)));
KoSetup.ViewModel.ManifestEntered("@Model.ManifestEntered"); //Bool
KoSetup.ViewModel.OrderStatusID("@Model.OrderStatusID"); //Int
I use a "Dump it all to the screen" at the bottom of my web page during development.
<pre data-bind="text: ko.toJSON($data, null, 2)"></pre>
Here are the data values, Before
"OrderStatusID": 6,
"ManifestEntered": true,
and, After
"OrderStatusID": "6",
"ManifestEntered": "True",
In my project, I didn't need to convert Bools, because I'm able to use a checkbox that doesn't have the same frustration.