Also there is a VB "module" statement which is not related to assemblies and compilation stuff and is similar to C# static class:
A Module statement defines a reference type available throughout its namespace. A module (sometimes called a standard module)is similar to a class but with some important distinctions. Every module has exactly one instance and does not need to be created or assigned to a variable. Modules do not support inheritance or implement interfaces. Notice that a module is not a type in the sense that a class or structure is — you cannot declare a programming element to have the data type of a module.
You can use Module only at namespace level. This means the declaration
context for a module must be a source file or namespace, and cannot be
a class, structure, module, interface, procedure, or block. You cannot
nest a module within another module, or within any type. For more
information, see Declaration Contexts and Default Access Levels.
A module has the same lifetime as your program. Because its members
are all Shared, they also have lifetimes equal to that of the program.
Modules default to Friend access. You can adjust their access levels
with the access modifiers. For more information, see Access levels in
Visual Basic.
All members of a module are implicitly Shared.
In short modules in VB are analogs for C# static classes