Confusion between isNaN and Number.isNaN in javascript
Asked Answered



I have a confusion in how NaN works. I have executed isNaN(undefined) it returned true. But if I will use Number.isNaN(undefined) it is returning false.

So which one I should use? Also why there is so discrepancy in the result?

Fremitus answered 16/10, 2015 at 7:24 Comment(4)
Answer: Due to both equality operators, == and ===, evaluating to false when checking if NaN is NaN, the function Number.isNaN() has become necessary. In comparison to the global isNaN() function, Number.isNaN() doesn't suffer the problem of forcefully converting the parameter to a number. This means it is now safe to pass values that would normally convert to NaN, but aren't actually the same value as NaN. This also means that only values of the type number, that are also NaN, return true.Devisor
didn't know about this. Most of the time I use isNaN()Loading
Maybe use Number.isFinite?Dotterel
Does this answer your question? Is Number.IsNaN() more broken than isNaN()Algebraic

To quote from a ponyfoo article on numbers in ES6:

Number.isNaN is almost identical to ES5 global isNaN method. Number.isNaN returns whether the provided value equals NaN. This is a very different question from “is this not a number?”.

So isNaN just checks whether the passed value is not a number or cannot be converted into a Number. Number.isNaN on the other hand only checks if the value is equal to NaN (it uses a different algorithm than === though).

The String 'ponyfoo' for example is not a number and cannot be converted into a number, but it is not NaN.


// <- false, {} is not NaN
// <- false, 'ponyfoo' is not NaN
// <- true, NaN is NaN
// <- true, 'pony'/'foo' is NaN, NaN is NaN

// <- true, {} is not a number
// <- true, 'ponyfoo' is not a number
// <- true, NaN is not a number
// <- true, 'pony'/'foo' is NaN, NaN is not a number
Unite answered 16/10, 2015 at 7:34 Comment(4)
In other words, it's not "almost identical" :)Burchett
@Burchett . . . Correct. The quote even seems to contain a contradiction: "almost identical" vs. "very different question". IMHO, nils' answer is quite enlightening and doesn't need that confusing quote.Embalm
@BartHofland When it's talking about them being almost identical, it means how the code behind the functions execute are almost identical, isNaN just has one extra step that Number.isNaN skips, leading to very different results.Duality
@Duality Correct. I understand and I agree. But no matter how interesting that technical comparison of the implementation details may be, it only distracts attention from the behavioral intent of these two functions. Note that I do not consider one function to be "better" than the other. They just serve different purposes. I only wanted to support nils' excellent answer (excluding the confusing quote), because this answer enriched my understanding about the resulting functional differences, which makes choosing the right function for specific solutions a lot clearer and easier for me.Embalm
  • isNaN converts the argument to a Number and returns true if the resulting value is NaN.
  • Number.isNaN does not convert the argument; it returns true when the argument is a Number and is NaN.

So which one i should use.

I am guessing you are trying to check if the value is something that looks like a number. In which case the answer is neither. These functions check if the value is an IEEE-754 Not A Number. Period. For example this is clearly wrong:

var your_age = "";
// user forgot to put in their age
if (isNaN(your_age)) {
  alert("Age is invalid. Please enter a valid number.");
} else {
  alert("Your age is " + your_age + ".");
// alerts "Your age is ."
// same result when you use Number.isNaN above

Also why there is so discrepancy in the result.

As explained above Number.isNaN will return false immediately if the argument is not a Number while isNaN first converts the value to a Number. This changes the result. Some examples:

                |       Number.isNaN()       |        isNaN()
value           | value is a Number | result | Number(value) | result
undefined       | false             | false  | NaN           | true
{}              | false             | false  | NaN           | true
"blabla"        | false             | false  | NaN           | true
new Date("!")   | false             | false  | NaN           | true
new Number(0/0) | false             | false  | NaN           | true
Tessler answered 16/10, 2015 at 8:4 Comment(0)

I found that if you want to check if something is numbery (or not), then a combination of Number.isNaN() with either Number.parseInt() or Number.parseFloat() (depending on what you expect) to cover most use cases:

consider: test a bunch of different input vars against several is number tests:

r = [NaN, undefined, null, false, true, {}, [], '', ' ', 0, 1, '0', '1']
.map(function(v){return [
    Number.parseInt(v, 10), 
    Number.isNaN( Number.parseInt(v, 10)) 
// or if console.table() not available:
r.join('\n', function(v){v.join(',')} );


NaN      , true , true , false, NaN, true 
undefined, true , false, false, NaN, true 
null     , false, false, false, NaN, true 
false    , false, false, false, NaN, true 
true     , false, false, false, NaN, true 
Object   , true , false, false, NaN, true 
Array(0) , false, false, false, NaN, true 
''       , false, false, false, NaN, true 
' '      , false, false, false, NaN, true 
0        , false, false, true , 0  , false
1        , false, false, true , 1  , false
'0'      , false, false, false, 0  , false
'1'      , false, false, false, 1  , false

Note the last column, which is usually what I want in my experience.

Aruspex answered 31/5, 2017 at 14:39 Comment(0)

In shortly,


will check if the convert of value to Number (type) are failed

For example'abc'


will check if the given value type is Number but not valid number

For example: 'bb'/33

Mathewmathews answered 14/2, 2017 at 9:44 Comment(0)

First, forget about the useless meaning of the value NaN, just treat it as bad number. As soon as you saw NaN, read it as 'bad number'.

Number.isNaN is a more safe and robust version of isNaN, isNaN has a bug,

isNaN(NaN) // true, this is the supposed result, the argument is NaN
isNaN('hello') // true, but this is misleading, cuz `hello` is not NaN

isNaN can't distinguish NaN with other not-number values, such as characters.

So a new method comes into play.

Number.isNaN checks if the value is number firstly, if it is not a number, it returns false immediately.

Number.isNaN('hello') // false, 'hello' is not NaN, this is the supposed result

Benitez answered 19/6, 2022 at 17:32 Comment(0)


This method returns true if the value is of the type Number, and equates to NaN. Otherwise it returns false. e.g.

Number.isNaN(123) //false

Type of 123 is number but 123 is not equal to NaN, therefore it returns false.

Number.isNaN('123') //false
Type of 123 is string & '123' is not equal to NaN, therefore it returns false.

Number.isNaN(NaN) //true

Type of NaN is number & NaN is equal to NaN, therefore it returns true.

Number.isNaN('NaN') //false

Type of 'NaN' is string & 'NaN' is not equal to NaN, therefore it returns false.

global isNaN() function

The global isNaN() function converts the tested value to a Number, then tests it.

isNaN(123) //false
isNaN('123') //false
isNaN(NaN) //true
isNaN('NaN') //true
Uremia answered 9/5, 2021 at 8:24 Comment(0)

As a definition, NaN is a Number but not a valid one.
So, to be able to use Number.isNaN correctly, convert the tested value to a number + (value) and then pass it to Number.isNaN.
But, with isNaN, you don't have to do that, it will just check it it's not a number (not if it's an invalid number).

Example : want to check whether "a155" is not a number (NaN):
Number.isNaN("a125") //false
isNaN("a125") // true
Now :
Number.isNaN(+("a125")) //true

Espagnole answered 2/5, 2024 at 9:39 Comment(0)

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