Blocks are the way to go. You can have complex parameters, type safety, and it's a lot simpler and safer than most of the old answers here. For example, you could just write:
[MONBlock performBlock:^{[obj setFrame:SOMETHING];} afterDelay:2];
Blocks allow you to capture arbitrary parameter lists, reference objects and variables.
Backing Implementation (basic):
@interface MONBlock : NSObject
+ (void)performBlock:(void(^)())pBlock afterDelay:(NSTimeInterval)pDelay;
@implementation MONBlock
+ (void)imp_performBlock:(void(^)())pBlock
+ (void)performBlock:(void(^)())pBlock afterDelay:(NSTimeInterval)pDelay
[self performSelector:@selector(imp_performBlock:)
withObject:[pBlock copy]
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
@autoreleasepool {
__block bool didPrint = false;
int pi = 3; // close enough =p
[MONBlock performBlock:^{NSLog(@"Hello, World! pi is %i", pi); didPrint = true;} afterDelay:2];
while (!didPrint) {
[NSRunLoop.currentRunLoop runUntilDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeInterval:0.1]];
NSLog(@"(Bye, World!)");
return 0;
Also see Michael's answer (+1) for another example.