I had some perfectly working python code which used multiprocessing module and loaded all 8 CPUs on my machine at 100%.
After I upgraded from Ubuntu 10.10 to 12.04 (the most evident thing, maybe I did something else that broke everything), it stopped working. After lots of debugging, I found that even in the simplest use case, both modules are only using 1 CPU:
from pylab import *
import multiprocessing as mp
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
def f(i):
# Slow calculation
x = 1
for j in range(100000): x = cos(x)
print i, x
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Try to multiprocess with multiprocessing
mp.Pool(processes=8).map(f, range(100))
# Try to multiprocess with joblib
Parallel(n_jobs=8)(delayed(f)(i) for i in range(100))
I need to use all 8 CPUs in my system. Any ideas of what I should look at to fix the issue?
- see my answer here – Grangermultiprocessing.cpu_count()
return? If it is not 8, there is a problem. – Oidmp.Pool().map()
call consumes 100% of all 4 cpus in my system. – Jauntyos
command as my first cell before I import any libraries. Any ideas on how to get this to work on Jupyter notebooks? – Norenenorfleet