To create an editor just do:
<textarea id="code1"></textarea>
<textarea id="code2"></textarea>
var editor1 = ace.edit('code1');
var editor2 = ace.edit('code2');
editor1.getSession().setValue("this text will be in the first editor");
editor2.getSession().setValue("and this in the second");
#code1, code2 {
position: absolute;
width: 400px;
height: 50px;
They must be explicitly positioned and sized. By show() and hide() I believe you are referring to the jQuery functions. I'm not sure exactly how they do it, but it cannot modify the space it takes up in the DOM. I hide and show using:
$('#code1').css('visibility', 'visible');
$('#code2').css('visibility', 'hidden');
If you use the css property 'display' it will not work.
Check out the wiki here for how to add themes, modes, etc...
Note: they do not have to be textareas, they can be whatever element you want.