First of all I have no experience coding with fortran. I am trying to run a fortran code with python ctypes. I used the command gfortran -shared -g -o test.f90
to convert my test.f90 file (code below) to
After reading C function called from Python via ctypes returns incorrect value and table in chapter "Fundamental data types" I had a clue about passing the right data type in my python code like ctypes.c_double(123)
for real(kind=c_double)
. I received a Type Error: wrong type
I have no idea about passing the right data type to real(kind=c_double),dimension(*)
it seems like an array for me. On Numpy array to ctypes with FORTRAN ordering and it is well explained that numpy is providing a ctype conversion. So I tried some random arrays to pass values with np.array([[1,2],[3,4]]).ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
. Now I receiving another type error: TypeError: item 2 in _argtypes_ has no from_param method
I shared my python code also below. I could not figure out which data types I need to pass in my function. I would be grateful for an explanation.
function sticksum( anzd, w, b, a, weight, val, maxTchan, sthresh) result(spek) bind(c, name="sticksum")
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
real(kind=c_double) :: anzd
real(kind=c_double) :: b,a
real(kind=c_double),dimension(*) :: w,weight
real(kind=c_double),dimension(*) :: val
integer(kind=c_int) :: maxTchan
real(kind=c_double) :: sthresh
real(kind=c_double) :: spek
integer :: i, t, j,anz
real :: stick, maxw
anz = anzd
spek = 123
t = w(i) * b + a + 1.5
if(t >= 1) THEN
spek = anz
stick = 0. + val(t)
maxw = weight(i)*stick
do i=2,anz
t = w(i) * b + a + 1.5
if(t > maxTchan) exit
stick = val(t)
maxw = max(weight(i)*stick,maxw)
if( (w(i)*w(i)-w(i-1)*w(i-1)) > 0.5) THEN
spek = spek + maxw
maxw = 0
end if
end do
end if
end function sticksum
from ctypes import *
import numpy as np
so_file = "./"
my_functions = CDLL(so_file)
my_functions.sticksum_4.argtypes = [c_double,np.ndarray.ctypes,c_double,c_double,np.ndarray.ctypes,np.ndarray.ctypes,c_int, c_double]
my_functions.restype = c_double
anzd = c_double(123)
w = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]]).ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
sum = my_functions.sticksum_4(anzd,w,b,a,weight,val,maxTchan,sthresh)