AS for intelliJ, no idea.
But between Eclipse and Netbeans, I must say Netbeans especially if you are not willing trade maven for sbt and you want an IDE that does not get in the way of maven.
Netbeans maven support is just way too good.
The Netbeans scala editor seems to work quite nicely as well.
I care not for the integrated scala development kit in netbeans or the compiler plugin, or any such helpers. From netbeans I expect only tthree things:
(a) Do not get in the way of maven and let maven run my build
(b) Give me a decent editor
(c) Let me drill down from my .scala files into the source code of the libraries referred by my maven dependencies.
And Netebeans is able to deliver all three quite well, I belive, even if at times it feels a bit too slow.
What I can say is that
(1) You do not run into any compilation issues since the task is up to maven.
The maven compiler plugin is a bit too slow. But compiling scala vs java is always like that, painful. Still if you've tried GWT compiling java to javascript is more painful even.
(2) Netbeans figures out the source code to you maven dependencies flawlessly and you can drill in into the most obscure sacala operators, such as the CSS mappers of lift.
As for eclipse, eclipse maven integration has always been nasty.
Netbeans maven integration can turn very sour if you have a big project with too many dependencies and modules. Then the check for external changes done by netbeans is just horribly slow. That is the downside of netbeans.
However, if you are and SBT fan ... well, maybe then answer might be something else.
But for me, since maven has become the thing it is today, I never want to go back again to those "web application project", "library project" etc... wizard like options that you have when you create a new project in the IDE.
I simply want "maven project", and please figure out what my output artefact is by reading the pom.