Update: check LineNavigator from my second answer instead, that reader is way better.
I've made my own reader, which fulfills my needs.
As the issue is related only to huge files performance was the most important part.
As you can see, performance is almost the same as direct read (as described in question above).
Currently I'm trying to make it better, as bigger time consumer is async call to avoid call stack limit hit, which is not unnecessary for execution problem. Performance issue solved.
Following cases were tested:
- Empty file
- Single line file
- File with new line char on the end and without
- Check parsed lines
- Multiple runs on same page
- No lines are lost and no order problems
Code & Usage
<input type="file" id="file-test" name="files[]" />
<div id="output-test"></div>
$("#file-test").on('change', function(evt) {
var startProcessing = new Date();
var index = 0;
var file = evt.target.files[0];
var reader = new FileLineStreamer();
reader.open(file, function (lines, err) {
if (err != null) {
$("#output-test").append('<span style="color:red;">' + err + "</span><br />");
if (lines == null) {
var milisecondsSpend = new Date() - startProcessing;
$("#output-test").append("<strong>" + index + " lines are processed</strong> Miliseconds spend: " + milisecondsSpend + "<br />");
// output every line
lines.forEach(function (line) {
//$("#output-test").append(index + ": " + line + "<br />");
function FileLineStreamer() {
var loopholeReader = new FileReader();
var chunkReader = new FileReader();
var delimiter = "\n".charCodeAt(0);
var expectedChunkSize = 15000000; // Slice size to read
var loopholeSize = 200; // Slice size to search for line end
var file = null;
var fileSize;
var loopholeStart;
var loopholeEnd;
var chunkStart;
var chunkEnd;
var lines;
var thisForClosure = this;
var handler;
// Reading of loophole ended
loopholeReader.onloadend = function(evt) {
// Read error
if (evt.target.readyState != FileReader.DONE) {
handler(null, new Error("Not able to read loophole (start: )"));
var view = new DataView(evt.target.result);
var realLoopholeSize = loopholeEnd - loopholeStart;
for(var i = realLoopholeSize - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (view.getInt8(i) == delimiter) {
chunkEnd = loopholeStart + i + 1;
var blob = file.slice(chunkStart, chunkEnd);
// No delimiter found, looking in the next loophole
loopholeStart = loopholeEnd;
loopholeEnd = Math.min(loopholeStart + loopholeSize, fileSize);
// Reading of chunk ended
chunkReader.onloadend = function(evt) {
// Read error
if (evt.target.readyState != FileReader.DONE) {
handler(null, new Error("Not able to read loophole"));
lines = evt.target.result.split(/\r?\n/);
// Remove last new line in the end of chunk
if (lines.length > 0 && lines[lines.length - 1] == "") {
chunkStart = chunkEnd;
chunkEnd = Math.min(chunkStart + expectedChunkSize, fileSize);
loopholeStart = Math.min(chunkEnd, fileSize);
loopholeEnd = Math.min(loopholeStart + loopholeSize, fileSize);
this.getProgress = function () {
if (file == null)
return 0;
if (chunkStart == fileSize)
return 100;
return Math.round(100 * (chunkStart / fileSize));
// Public: open file for reading
this.open = function (fileToOpen, linesProcessed) {
file = fileToOpen;
fileSize = file.size;
loopholeStart = Math.min(expectedChunkSize, fileSize);
loopholeEnd = Math.min(loopholeStart + loopholeSize, fileSize);
chunkStart = 0;
chunkEnd = 0;
lines = null;
handler = linesProcessed;
// Public: start getting new line async
this.getNextBatch = function() {
// File wasn't open
if (file == null) {
handler(null, new Error("You must open a file first"));
// Some lines available
if (lines != null) {
var linesForClosure = lines;
setTimeout(function() { handler(linesForClosure, null) }, 0);
lines = null;
// End of File
if (chunkStart == fileSize) {
handler(null, null);
// File part bigger than expectedChunkSize is left
if (loopholeStart < fileSize) {
var blob = file.slice(loopholeStart, loopholeEnd);
// All file can be read at once
else {
chunkEnd = fileSize;
var blob = file.slice(chunkStart, fileSize);