Nigel's answer is great and definitely the lowest barrier to entry option. However, you can get even better feedback with django_nose
(and it's not that difficult to setup ;).
The below is from: BDD with Python
First: install some requirements:
pip install nose pinocchio django_nose
Then add the following to
TEST_RUNNER = 'django_nose.NoseTestSuiteRunner'
NOSE_ARGS = ['--with-spec', '--spec-color']
Then run your tests as per normal:
python test
Output should look something like this:
Note: The comments under your tests can be used to give even better output than just the name.
def test_something(self):
"""Something should happen"""
Will output "Something should happen" when running the test.
For extra points: You can also generate / output your code coverage:
pip install coverage
Add the following to your NOSE_ARGS in '--with-coverage', '--cover-html', '--cover-package=.', '--cover-html-dir=reports/cover'
NOSE_ARGS = ['--with-spec', '--spec-color',
'--with-coverage', '--cover-html',
'--cover-package=.', '--cover-html-dir=reports/cover']
Then you'll get a nice code-coverage summary when you run python test
as well as a neat html report in reports/cover