The project lets you solve this in a couple of ways.
You can use its support for JUnit 4 rules via the DangerousRuleAdapter
- which will attempt to turn any JUnit 4 rule into a Plugin
public class DangerousRuleAdapterExampleTest {
private DangerousRuleAdapter<WireMockRule> adapter =
new DangerousRuleAdapter<>(new WireMockRule());
void theTest() {
// use wiremock rule here
WireMockRule rule = adapter.get();
The rule adapters cannot work with rules that inspect the test class or the test method, but make a good attempt at running the rule.
There's also support for running a rule around some code:
TemporaryFolder temporaryFolder = new TemporaryFolder();
// let's use this temp folder with some test code
executeWithRule(temporaryFolder, () -> {
// here, the rule is _active_
And you can easily create your own new JUnit 5 plugin by using the PluginExtension
and TestResource.of
class TestResourceIsActiveDuringTest {
private WireMockServer server;
private TestResource someResource = TestResource.from(() -> server.start(),
() -> server.stop());
rather than@Rlue
; developers need to port their code - WireMock haven't done this yes. You can implement an@Extension
yourself. – Carbrey