In case nothing helps, and you need a solution that works, you can go on the safe side, and each time you open a dialog save its basic info to the activity ViewModel (and remove it from this list when you dismiss dialog). This basic info could be dialog type and some id (the information you need in order to open this dialog). This ViewModel is not destroyed during changes of Activity lifecycle. Let's say user opens a dialog to leave a reference to a restaurant. So dialog type would be LeaveReferenceDialog and the id would be the restaurant id. When opening this dialog, you save this information in an Object that you can call DialogInfo, and add this object to the ViewModel of the Activity. This information will allow you to reopen the dialog when the activity onResume() is being called:
// On resume in Activity
override fun onResume() {
// Restore dialogs that were open before activity went to background
Which calls:
fun restoreDialogs() {
mainActivityViewModel.setIsRestoringDialogs(true) // lock list in view model
for (dialogInfo in mainActivityViewModel.openDialogs)
mainActivityViewModel.setIsRestoringDialogs(false) // open lock
When IsRestoringDialogs in ViewModel is set to true, dialog info will not be added to the list in view model, and it's important because we're now restoring dialogs which are already in that list. Otherwise, changing the list while using it would cause an exception. So:
// Create new dialog
override fun openLeaveReferenceDialog(restaurantId: String) {
var dialog = LeaveReferenceDialog()
// Add id to dialog in bundle
val bundle = Bundle()
bundle.putString(Constants.RESTAURANT_ID, restaurantId)
dialog.arguments = bundle, "")
// Add dialog info to list of open dialogs
addOpenDialogInfo(DialogInfo(LEAVE_REFERENCE_DIALOG, restaurantId))
Then remove dialog info when dismissing it:
// Dismiss dialog
override fun dismissLeaveReferenceDialog(Dialog dialog, id: String) {
if (dialog?.isAdded()){
mainActivityViewModel.removeOpenDialog(LEAVE_REFERENCE_DIALOG, id)
And in the ViewModel of the Activity:
fun addOpenDialogInfo(dialogInfo: DialogInfo){
if (!isRestoringDialogs){
val dialogWasInList = removeOpenDialog(dialogInfo.type,
fun removeOpenDialog(type: Int, id: String) {
if (!isRestoringDialogs)
for (dialogInfo in openDialogs)
if (dialogInfo.type == type && == id)
You actually reopen all the dialogs that were open before, in the same order. But how do they retain their information? Each dialog has a ViewModel of its own, which is also not destroyed during the activity lifecycle. So when you open the dialog, you get the ViewModel and init the UI using this ViewModel of the dialog as always.