Having some sort of proxy between a mobile app and a web-service, we are puzzled by the response when issuing a post request. We receive response with status 200: OK. But we can not find/extract the JSON response body.
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
WebTarget webTarget = client.target(WEBSERVICE_BASE_LOCATION + "mobileDevices?operatorCode=KPNSCP");
String jsonString = "{\"osVersion\":\"4.1\",\"apiLevel\":16,\"devicePlatform\":\"ANDROID\"}";
Builder builder = webTarget.request();
Response response = builder.post(Entity.json(jsonString));
We are using JAX-RS.
Can someone please provide some hints to extract the JSON body (String
) from the server response?
String output = response.readEntity(String.class);
To make it work. Thanks a lot! – Metrology