used for upcasting and type casting to bridged type
used for safe casting, return nil if failed
used to force casting, crash if failed
can’t cast raw type to optional
let rawString: AnyObject = "I love swift"
let optionalString: AnyObject? = "we love swift"
let nilString: AnyObject? = (nil as String?)
let rawInt: AnyObject = Int(3)
let optionalInt: AnyObject? = Int(3)
let nilInt: AnyObject? = (nil as Int?)
var age: Int? = nil
var height: Int? = 180
By adding a ? immediately after the data type you tell the compiler that the variable might contain a number or not. Neat! Notice that it doesn’t really make sense to define Optional constants – you can set their value only once and therefore you would be able to say whether their value will be nil or not.
When we should use "?" and when "!"
let’s say we have UIKit based simple app.
we have some code in our view controller and wants to present a new view controller on top of it.
and we need to decide to push the new view on screen using navigation controller.
As we know every ViewController instance has a property navigation controller.
If you are building a navigation controller based app this property of your app’s master view controller is set automatically and you can use it to push or pop view controllers. If you use a single app project template – there won’t be a navigation controller created automatically for you, so your app’s default view controller will not have anything stored in the navigationController property.
I’m sure you already guessed that this is exactly a case for an Optional datatype. If you check UIViewController you will see that the property is defined as:
var navigationController: UINavigationController? { get }
So let’s go back to our use case. If you know for a fact that your view controller will always have a navigation controller you can go ahead and force unwrap it:
controller.navigationController!.pushViewController(myViewController, animated: true)
When you put a ! behind the property name you tell the compiler I don’t care that this property is optional, I know that when this code executes there always will be a value store so treat this Optional like a normal datatype. Well isn’t that nice? What would happen though if there isn’t a navigation controller to your view controller? If you suggestion that there always will be a value stored in navigationController was wrong? Your app will crash. Simple and ugly as that.
So, use ! only if you are 101% sure that this is safe.
How about if you aren’t sure that there always will be a navigation controller? Then you can use ? instead of a !:
controller.navigationController?.pushViewController(myViewController, animated: true)
What the ? behind the property name tells the compiler is I don’t know whether this property contains nil or a value, so: if it has value use it, and oterwise just consider the whole expression nil. Effectively the ? allows you to use that property just in the case there is a navigation controller. No if checks of any kind or castings of any sort. This syntax is perfect when you don’t care whether you have a navigation controller or not, and want to do something only if there is.
Huge thanks to Fantageek