I saw that it is possible to do it during the demo: https://youtu.be/2Tt0i823-ec?t=769
There, the presenter has a huge dataset, and can quickly zoom in by selecting a rectangle with the mouse.
I also saw the "Interactive Widgets" section of the tutorial: https://docs.vaex.io/en/latest/tutorial.html#Interactive-widgets
However, I was not able to easily replicate that setup. What are the minimal steps to achieve it?
On Ubuntu 19.04 vaex 2.0.2, I have tried:
python3 -m pip install --user vaex scipy pandas vaex-jupyter
jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension
jupyter nbextension enable --py bqplot
jupyter nbextension enable --py ipyvolume
jupyter nbextension enable --py ipympl
jupyter nbextension enable --py ipyleaflet
jupyter nbextension enable --py ipyvuetify
jupyter notebook
Then I created a notebook and paste in the notebook:
import vaex
import vaex.jupyter
import numpy as np
import pylab as plt
%matplotlib inline
df = vaex.example()
df.plot_widget(df.x, df.y, f='log1p', backend='bqplot')
but all I get is no graph and the message:
Plot2dDefault(w=None, what='count(*)', x='x', y='y', z=None)
If instead I do:
df.plot(df.x, df.y, f='log1p')
then I do get an plot, but it is just a non-interactive image.
I also tried to git clone the notebook that is the source of the read the docs page: https://github.com/vaexio/vaex/blob/0247f0673c5c0473001b0b66adcbc716560536aa/docs/source/tutorial.ipynb but the result was the same.
My motivation is to find a plotting program that can handle large number of points as mentioned at: Large plot: ~20 million samples, gigabytes of data
jupyter notebook
as shown on question :-) OK, I just searched and jupyter lab is started withjupyter lab
, so I guess classical notebook. – Cysticercus