In the new version of iOS and Xcode
NavigationLink(isActive: , destination: , label: )
is deprecated.
How do we control the status of NavigationLink then?
In the new version of iOS and Xcode
NavigationLink(isActive: , destination: , label: )
is deprecated.
How do we control the status of NavigationLink then?
Use new NavigationLink(value:label:)
as specified. By putting corresponding value into NavigationPath
you activate a link.
See more for example in this topic
Old/Deprecated way to navigate:
@State private var readyToNavigate : Bool = false
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
VStack {
NavigationLink(destination: MyTargetView(), isActive: $readyToNavigate, label: {Text("Navigate Link")})
Button {
//Code here before changing the bool value
readyToNavigate = true
} label: {
Text("Navigate Button")
New way to navigate - note that this is using NavigationStack
instead of NavigationView
@State private var readyToNavigate : Bool = false
var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
VStack {
Button {
//Code here before changing the bool value
readyToNavigate = true
} label: {
Text("Navigate Button")
.navigationDestination(isPresented: $readyToNavigate) {
isPresented: readyToNavigate
should be isPresented: $readyToNavigate
Difficile NavigationStack
now, not a NavigationView
. The answer here is perfect, I'm just adding this note for anybody (like me) who overlooked that new piece. It compiled fine with NavigationView
and .navigationDestination
, but just didn't go anywhere, and I went bonkers trying to figure out why, not realizing my eyes had fixated on the new .navigationDestination
and overlooked the also-new NavigationStack
. –
Tamberg Check out Apple's migration docs:
Use new NavigationLink(value:label:)
as specified. By putting corresponding value into NavigationPath
you activate a link.
See more for example in this topic
The new programmatic way to do navigation is extremely powerful! Much better than the old one.
The new way is using the NavigationStack(path:root)
The path parameter is a Binding to a NavigationPath
. ex.
@State private var path = NavigationPath()
var body: some View {
NavigationStack(path: $path) {
Lets create two structs to illustrate how this works.
struct Fruit: Hashable,Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
var name: String
var number: Int
static var sample = [Fruit(name: "Apple", number: 2), Fruit(name: "Cherry", number: 3)]
struct Vegetable: Hashable,Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
var name: String
var number: Int
static var sample = [Vegetable(name: "Carrot", number: 2), Vegetable(name: "Zucchini", number: 3)]
The new navigation style is data driven.
Here I create the label and link...
But the destination will be different if I have a fruit or a veg.
.navigationDestination(for: Fruit.self) { fruit in
VStack {
So if I have a Vegetable or a Fruit model, depending of the data type selected in the link, the navigation destination will be different and it will present different views.
So let's put this in the NavigationStack. Lets start with the NavigationLink:
Form {
Section("Fruits") {
ForEach(Fruit.sample) { fruit in
NavigationLink(value: fruit) {
HStack {
Section("Veggies") {
ForEach(Vegetable.sample) { fruit in
NavigationLink(value: fruit) {
HStack {
Now the NavigationDestination
gonna look like this:
.navigationDestination(for: Fruit.self) { fruit in
VStack {
let count = path.count
Text("level: \(count)")
Form {
Section("Veggies") {
ForEach(Vegetable.sample) { veg in
NavigationLink(value: veg) {
HStack {
Button("Unwind") {
and below add again the same but for veggies like:
.navigationDestination(for: Vegetable.self) { veg in
VStack {
Now you can navigate from list to list and the app will show you how many level deep you are depending of how many items are collected in the path. Then you can unwind. This will reset the path property to empty and the start page will be shown again!
The screen will look like this... and the unwind button
and navigating...
I hope this helps!
The isActive
implementation of NavigationLink
is deprecated in iOS 16. Instead, you should use the new NavigationLink(value:)
along with .navigationDestination
with NavigationStack
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