Another way is to use methods available on StructType.. sql , simpleString, TreeString etc...
You can create DDLs from a Dataframe's schema, Can create Dataframe's schema from your DDLs ..
Here is one example - ( Till Spark 2.3)
// Setup Sample Test Table to create Dataframe from
spark.sql(""" drop database hive_test cascade""")
spark.sql(""" create database hive_test""")
spark.sql("use hive_test")
spark.sql("""CREATE TABLE hive_test.department(
department_id int ,
department_name string
INSERT INTO hive_test.department values ("101","Oncology")
spark.sql("SELECT * FROM hive_test.department").show()
Now I have Dataframe to play with. in real cases you'd use Dataframe Readers to create dataframe from files/databases. Let's use it's schema to create DDLs
// Create DDL from Spark Dataframe Schema using simpleString function
// Regex to remove unwanted characters
val sqlrgx = """(struct<)|(>)|(:)""".r
// Create DDL sql string and remove unwanted characters
val sqlString = sqlrgx.replaceAllIn(spark.table("hive_test.department").schema.simpleString, " ")
// Create Table with sqlString
spark.sql(s"create table hive_test.department2( $sqlString )")
Spark 2.4 Onwards you can use fromDDL & toDDL methods on StructType -
val fddl = """
department_id int ,
department_name string,
business_unit string
// Easily create StructType from DDL String using fromDDL
val schema3: StructType = org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType.fromDDL(fddl)
// Create DDL String from StructType using toDDL
val tddl = schema3.toDDL
spark.sql(s"drop table if exists hive_test.department2 purge")
// Create Table using string tddl
spark.sql(s"""create table hive_test.department2 ( $tddl )""")
// Test by inserting sample rows and selecting
INSERT INTO hive_test.department2 values ("101","Oncology","MDACC Texas")
spark.sql(s"drop table hive_test.department2")
val CreateTable_query = hiveContext.sql("Create Table myTable as select * from mytempTable")
This will solve your issue – Alodee