I had the same problem and solved it with keyboard and kthread. As soon as you press enter, the input field disappears. This was the most important thing for me, but I couldn't make it work with other approaches.
If you want, you can install it using pip:
pip install input-timeout
Here are some examples:
from input_timeout import InputTimeout
i = InputTimeout(
input_message=" >> ",
timeout_message="'Sorry, you were not fast enough'",
show_special_characters_warning='If you want to use special characters, you have to use alt+\\d\\d\\d\\d\nPress "ctrl" to see a complete list of all combinations!',
print(f"\n\nYour input was {i}")
i = InputTimeout(
input_message=" >> ",
timeout_message="Sorry, you were not fast enough: ",
show_special_characters_warning='If you want to use special characters, you have to use alt+\\d\\d\\d\\d\nPress "ctrl" to see a complete list of all combinations!',
print(f"\n\nYour input was {i}")
i = InputTimeout(
input_message=" >> ",
timeout_message="Sorry, you were not fast enough",
defaultvalue="Wake up!",
print(f"\n\nYour input was {i}")
i = InputTimeout(
input_message=" >> ",
timeout_message="Sorry, you were not fast enough",
defaultvalue="Are you sleeping?",
print(f"\n\nYour input was {i}")
i = InputTimeout(
input_message=" >>",
timeout_message="Sorry, you were not fast enough",
defaultvalue="you are so slow",
show_special_characters_warning='If you want to use special characters, you have to use alt+\\d\\d\\d\\d\nPress "ctrl" to see a complete list of all combinations!',
print(f"\n\nYour input was {i}")
If you want to use special characters, you have to use alt+\d\d\d\d
Press "ctrl" to see a complete list of all combinations!
>> babba
Your input was babba
If you want to use special characters, you have to use alt+\d\d\d\d
Press "ctrl" to see a complete list of all combinations!
alt+0192 -> À alt+0193 -> Á alt+0196 -> Ä alt+0194 -> Â
alt+0195 -> Ã alt+0197 -> Å alt+0198 -> Æ alt+0228 -> ä
alt+0224 -> à alt+0225 -> á alt+0226 -> â alt+0227 -> ã
alt+0229 -> å alt+0230 -> æ alt+0199 -> Ç alt+0231 -> ç
alt+0208 -> Ð alt+0240 -> ð alt+0203 -> Ë alt+0200 -> È
alt+0201 -> É alt+0202 -> Ê alt+0235 -> ë alt+0232 -> è
alt+0233 -> é alt+0234 -> ê alt+0207 -> Ï alt+0204 -> Ì
alt+0205 -> Í alt+0206 -> Î alt+0239 -> ï alt+0236 -> ì
alt+0237 -> í alt+0238 -> î alt+0209 -> Ñ alt+0241 -> ñ
alt+0214 -> Ö alt+0210 -> Ò alt+0211 -> Ó alt+0212 -> Ô
alt+0213 -> Õ alt+0216 -> Ø alt+0140 -> Œ alt+0246 -> ö
alt+0242 -> ò alt+0243 -> ó alt+0244 -> ô alt+0245 -> õ
alt+0248 -> ø alt+0156 -> œ alt+0138 -> Š alt+0223 -> ß
alt+0154 -> š alt+0222 -> Þ alt+0254 -> þ alt+0220 -> Ü
alt+0217 -> Ù alt+0218 -> Ú alt+0219 -> Û alt+0252 -> ü
alt+0249 -> ù alt+0250 -> ú alt+0251 -> û alt+0159 -> Ÿ
alt+0221 -> Ý alt+0255 -> ÿ alt+0253 -> ý alt+0168 -> ¨
alt+0136 -> ˆ alt+0180 -> ´ alt+0175 -> ¯ alt+0184 -> ¸
alt+0192 -> À alt+0193 -> Á alt+0196 -> Ä alt+0194 -> Â
alt+0195 -> Ã alt+0197 -> Å alt+0198 -> Æ alt+0228 -> ä
alt+0224 -> à alt+0225 -> á alt+0226 -> â alt+0227 -> ã
alt+0229 -> å alt+0230 -> æ alt+0199 -> Ç alt+0231 -> ç
alt+0208 -> Ð alt+0240 -> ð alt+0203 -> Ë alt+0200 -> È
alt+0201 -> É alt+0202 -> Ê alt+0235 -> ë alt+0232 -> è
alt+0233 -> é alt+0234 -> ê alt+0207 -> Ï alt+0204 -> Ì
alt+0205 -> Í alt+0206 -> Î alt+0239 -> ï alt+0236 -> ì
alt+0237 -> í alt+0238 -> î alt+0209 -> Ñ alt+0241 -> ñ
alt+0214 -> Ö alt+0210 -> Ò alt+0211 -> Ó alt+0212 -> Ô
alt+0213 -> Õ alt+0216 -> Ø alt+0140 -> Œ alt+0246 -> ö
alt+0242 -> ò alt+0243 -> ó alt+0244 -> ô alt+0245 -> õ
alt+0248 -> ø alt+0156 -> œ alt+0138 -> Š alt+0223 -> ß
alt+0154 -> š alt+0222 -> Þ alt+0254 -> þ alt+0220 -> Ü
alt+0217 -> Ù alt+0218 -> Ú alt+0219 -> Û alt+0252 -> ü
alt+0249 -> ù alt+0250 -> ú alt+0251 -> û alt+0159 -> Ÿ
alt+0221 -> Ý alt+0255 -> ÿ alt+0253 -> ý alt+0168 -> ¨
alt+0136 -> ˆ alt+0180 -> ´ alt+0175 -> ¯ alt+0184 -> ¸
Sorry, you were not fast enough:
Your input was slow
>> super
Your input was super
>> adasa
Your input was adasa
If you want to use special characters, you have to use alt+\d\d\d\d
Press "ctrl" to see a complete list of all combinations!
Sorry, you were not fast enough
Your input was you are so slow