I faced the same problem. It took me two days to get this thing working.
I am writing about the whole setup. please refer to step 2 for the answer to the question. FYI my OS is windows 10
Step 1:
Firstly, I faced problems installing gcloud and this is what i did.
The script(.\google-cloud-sdk\install.bat) which is supposed to add gcloud to the path was not working due to permission issues.
I had to add the path manually in two places
1) In the system variables, to the "PATH" variable i added the path to the gcloud bin which should look like - C:\Users\774610\google-cloud-sdk\bin - in my case
2) Additionally gcloud needs python so to the "PATHEXT" variable i appended ".PY" at the end.
After Performing these tasks gcloud started working.
Step 2:
Even though gcloud is working, maven is not able to connect to cloud storage and the error was "401 Anonymous caller does not have storage.objects.list access to bucket"
I was pretty sure i did login to my account and selected the correct project. I also tried adding environment variable as shown in this documentation "https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/getting-started"
Nothing seemed to be working even though all the credentials were perfectly setup.
while going through the gcloud documentation I came across this command - "gcloud auth application-default login" which was exactly what i needed.
Refer here for difference between gcloud auth login and gcloud auth application default login
In short what this command does is it obtains your credentials via a web flow and stores them in 'the well-known location for Application Default Credentials' and any code/SDK you run will be able to find the credentials automatically
After this, maven was successfully able to connect to google storage and do its stuff.
Hope this helps, thanks
gcloud config set pass_credentials_to_gsutil true
. – Mahican