This is a followup on [How to set up doSNOW and SOCK cluster with Torque/MOAB scheduler?
I have a memory limited script that only uses 1 foreach
loop but I'd like to get 2 iterations running on node1 and 2 iterations running on node2. The above linked question allows you to start a SOCK cluster to each node for the outer loop and then MC cluster for the inner loop and I think doesn't make use of the multiple cores on each node.
I get the warning message
Warning message:
closing unused connection 3 (<-compute-1-30.local:11880)
if I do registerDoMC(2)
if I do this after registerDoSNOW(cl)
EDIT: The solution from the previous question works fine for the problem asked. see my example below for what I want.
starting an interactive job with 2 nodes and 2cores per processor:
qsub -I -l nodes=2:ppn=2
after starting R:
f <- Sys.getenv('PBS_NODEFILE')
nodes <- unique(if (nzchar(f)) readLines(f) else 'localhost')
here are the two nodes I"m running on:
[1] "compute-3-15" "compute-1-32"
start the sock cluster on these two nodes:
cl <- makePSOCKcluster(nodes, outfile='')
i'm not sure why they both seem to be on compute-3-15
.... ?
starting worker pid=25473 on compute-3-15.local:11708 at 16:54:17.048
starting worker pid=14746 on compute-3-15.local:11708 at 16:54:17.523
but register the two nodes and run a single foreach loop:
r=foreach(i=seq(1,6),.combine='c') %dopar% {[['nodename']]}
output of r indicates that both nodes were used though:
[1] "compute-3-15.local" "compute-1-32.local" "compute-3-15.local"
[4] "compute-1-32.local" "compute-3-15.local" "compute-3-15.local"
now, what I'd really like is for that foreach loop to run on 4 cores, 2 on each node.
r=foreach(i=seq(1,6),.combine='c') %dopar% {[['nodename']]}
the output indicates that only 1 node was used, but presumably both cores on that one node.
[1] "compute-3-15.local" "compute-3-15.local" "compute-3-15.local"
[4] "compute-3-15.local" "compute-3-15.local" "compute-3-15.local"
How do I get a SINGLE foreach loop to use multiple cores on multiple nodes?