I want to call MessageBox() function in such way:
1). load needed library
2). get the function address
3). call it
So, for such aim as I understand, I should define new type with all types of arguments in MessageBox function.
It returnes INT and accepts: HWND, LPCSTR, LPCSTR, UNIT.
So I registred new type:
typedef int(__stdcall *msgbox)(HWND, LPCSTR, LPCSTR, UINT);
I have problems with calling such function. Does such way work for all functions or only for exported?
How can I call MessageBox exactly in such way?
Full code:
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
typedef int(__stdcall *msgbox)(HWND, LPCSTR, LPCSTR, UINT);
int main(void)
HINSTANCE__ *hModule = LoadLibrary(L"\\Windows\\System32\\User32.dll");
msgbox *me = 0;
if(hModule != 0)
me = (msgbox*)GetProcAddress(hModule, "MessageBox");
return 0;