Error: couldn't find template.config.js when creating a React Native project version 0.59.9
Asked Answered



When I try to create a react native project version 0.59.9 I get the following error

error Error: Couldn't find the "/var/folders/zc/h93bvpb573q24_5ynvgkn1wc0000gn/T/rncli-init-template-0YT6FZ/node_modules/react-native/template.config.js file inside "react-native" template. Please make sure the template is valid.

How can I resolve this issue?

The command I used is npx react-native init Awesome --version 0.59.9

How can I resolve this issue, and what could be the cause of it?

Here's a screenshot of the terminal as well

enter image description here


Rogerrogerio answered 28/7, 2020 at 9:18 Comment(0)

You can try to use a template from another version

npx react-native init Awesome --version 0.59.9 [email protected]
Castle answered 28/7, 2020 at 9:23 Comment(0)
  1. Be sure uninstall global react-native/cli as described react-native tutorials

  2. Try to use --npm end of init command if you had yarn and npm both.

    npx react-native init MyApp --npm

Note: If you have both yarn and npm installed on your machine, React Native CLI will always try to use yarn, so even if you use npx utility, only react-native executable will be installed using npm and the rest of the work will be delegated to yarn. You can force usage of npm adding --npm flag to the command.

Prognathous answered 3/4, 2022 at 11:6 Comment(2)
--npm worked for meRudbeckia
--npm works for me on Mac M1Caston

You can try to use a template from another version

npx react-native init Awesome --version 0.59.9 [email protected]
Castle answered 28/7, 2020 at 9:23 Comment(0)

This Worked For me npx react-native@latest init ProjectName --pm npm

Wildon answered 16/8, 2024 at 19:14 Comment(1)
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