I have developed this shared package. It works fine.
In the package test harnesses (3 iOS apps), it works great, and also, the IB storyboard renders the control (It's an IBDesignable).
However, when I include it as a package in another app (I can't share the source), I get these really weird render failure messages:
Error: 'UIPickerView' is unavailable in tvOS
And so on. There's a bunch of "not available in tvOS" errors.
Here's what the log looks like:
The build happens, and the app runs fine. However, I'm wondering if this could cause problems in the App Store release process.
Well...DUH. It's an iOS package and utility, and leverages a lot of things like haptics.
The package explicitly states that it is iOS(12), and I can't see any indication of why my storyboard is insisting on trying to render as tvOS.
What am I missing? I think that I must be missing something from the Package.swift file, but it's pretty straightforward:
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "RVS_Spinner",
platforms: [
products: [
name: "RVS-Spinner",
targets: ["RVS_Spinner"])
targets: [
.target(name: "RVS_Spinner")