I have an application that requests data from a database triggered by a timer on a form. If there is an error (the connection to the database is lost), I sometimes I get the expected exception (EIBO_ISCError) and sometimes I get an access violation in RtlLeaveCriticalSection of ntdll.dll. Here is the corresponing Eurekalog stack:
|Adresse |Modul |Unit |Klasse |Prozedur/Methode |Zeile |
|Laufender Thread: ID=1320; Priorität=0; Klasse=; [Haupt Thread] |
|76FD2280|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|76FDE0ED|ntdll.dll | | |RtlAllocateHeap | |
|76FE6CC5|ntdll.dll | | |LdrUnlockLoaderLock | |
|7552EF19|KERNELBASE.dll| | |VirtualQueryEx | |
|7552EF02|KERNELBASE.dll| | |VirtualQueryEx | |
|7552EFE6|KERNELBASE.dll| | |VirtualQuery | |
|76FC012E|ntdll.dll | | |KiUserExceptionDispatcher | |
|0069D997|Program.exe |IBODataset.pas |TIBOInternalDataset|DoHandleError |8407[23] |
|0063B3F7|Program.exe |IB_Components.pas |TIB_Session |DoHandleError |13181[2] |
|0068B36C|Program.exe |IB_Session.pas |TIB_SessionBase |HandleException |1442[58] |
|0068B03C|Program.exe |IB_Session.pas |TIB_SessionBase |HandleException |1384[0] |
|0064EE74|Program.exe |IB_Components.pas |TIB_Statement |API_Execute |22927[14]|
|0064EE10|Program.exe |IB_Components.pas |TIB_Statement |API_Execute |22913[0] |
|00655D1D|Program.exe |IB_Components.pas |TIB_Dataset |SysExecSelect |26432[1] |
|0064DA60|Program.exe |IB_Components.pas |TIB_Statement |SysExecStatement |22259[9] |
|0064D7A1|Program.exe |IB_Components.pas |TIB_Statement |SysExecute |22173[12]|
|0064D708|Program.exe |IB_Components.pas |TIB_Statement |SysExecute |22161[0] |
|00655A9F|Program.exe |IB_Components.pas |TIB_Dataset |SysExecute |26373[7] |
|00655210|Program.exe |IB_Components.pas |TIB_Dataset |SysOpen |26160[23]|
|006550F8|Program.exe |IB_Components.pas |TIB_Dataset |SysOpen |26137[0] |
|006994E5|Program.exe |IBODataset.pas |TIBODataset |DoBeforeOpen |6312[17] |
|0061FBEA|Program.exe |mvdb.pas |TImvDatabase |QueryRun |1393[10] |
|00B1D440|Program.exe |StartDialogForm.pas|TFormStartDialog |UpdateStartBar |494[0] |
|00B1D4C3|Program.exe |StartDialogForm.pas|TFormStartDialog |TimerExBarTimer |521[6] |
|76667BC5|USER32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA | |
|76667BBB|USER32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA | |
|00BF1178|Program.exe |Program.dpr | | |884[399] |
The code, which is executed, is nothing special. It boils down to:
qry := TIBOQuery.Create(nil); //IBObjects
when creating the form and
qry.Open; //<-- Exception
TotalCount := qry.Fields[0].AsVariant;
in the OnTimer event of the MDI form.
The code line in IBObjects that is called in DoHandleError is
raise EIBO_ISCError.CreateISC( ... );
The underlaying exception is likely to be caused by a lost database connection in qry.Open. What I want to know is, which circumstances (read defects in my code) can lead to the behaviour, that sometimes this exception is handled as expected (EIBO_ISCError in Eurekalog) and sometimes the same exception leads to an access violation in RtlLeaveCriticalSection.
. There could be all sorts of reasons for that. – Evetta