Using iPython Notebook, I have been able to bring up a globe of the Earth with code like:
from mayavi import mlab
from mayavi.sources.builtin_surface import BuiltinSurface
ocean_blue = (0.4, 0.5, 1.0)
r = 6371 # km
sphere = mlab.points3d(0, 0, 0, name='Globe',
scale_mode='none', scale_factor=r * 2.0,
color=ocean_blue, resolution=50) = 0.20 = 10
continents_src = BuiltinSurface(source='earth', name='Continents')
continents_src.data_source.on_ratio = 1 # detail level
continents_src.data_source.radius = r
continents = mlab.pipeline.surface(continents_src, color=(0, 0, 0))
But when I interact with the resulting 3D window using the mouse, it is very difficult to keep it right-side-up, because the UI interprets a mouse-drag to either the left or the right as an attempt to rotate the scene (or camera?) around the current vertical axis of the window, instead of through the axis of the globe itself.
Is there any way to constrain the user interaction code so that a left or right mouse-drag spins the globe around its axis, regardless of whether the axis is pointing straight-up-and-down or not, either by setting some Mayavi parameters, or by getting some Python code registered as the UI event handler for mouse dragging?